Monday, 22 August 2011

what i've been doing last week

ok. last week sangat lah busy.. sangat ker??? haha.. boleh lah gak.

monday : 15 august 2011
at 9.30 pm I arrived safely at KLIA. Credit to Malaysia Airlines for the best hospitality especially to the steward who was so care about me, give me the the wet towel as a souvenir.. haha.. secret stories :p. getting my luggage that are not so heavy, and get myself out from the building, waiting for my brother who is too late to pick me up. then, we heading to melaka, historical city.

wednesday : 17 august 2011 
after asar, my brother and I heading to the Sepang, more specifically Kolej Teknologi Timur. The top in the world college. haha. this is serious la wei.. 'break fast' at Hasan Seafood but i quite dissapointed with the chicken soup. not so delicious as before. Maybethe chef are fasting so he cannot taste it, so forgiven lah. At night, meet my friends, the noisy friends.. haha.. and hang out with some old friends who still struggle in that college, they got exam the next day but they still lepaks2 with us at mamak. thanx guys and all the best. owh ya ! i'm staying at my junior hostel.. thanx sis utk layanan kau yg sangat sangat baik !!!

Thursday : 18 august 2011 
wake up as early as 5.30 am. taking my sahur before that and prepare myself with a formal baju kurung and white tudung. i look handsome ! hehe. taking the KTT bus which gave me lots of worries on the way to JPA office at Putrajaya. Arrived at JPA office, fuh besar jugak bangunan2 sponsor aku nie.. at 9th floor there is a big room, look like a meeting room very well equipped with mic in every seat. we are given the coat and a bag and wearing that coat make me look more handsome. haha.. we have some briefing from the JPA Officer, MAS officer and then bank officerrrrrrr.. the most awaiting one.. haha.. oh also got some briefing from a doctor about how to be a doctor as a muslim and also briefing from our senior which is really helpful for our preparation.

Friday : 19 august 2011
I went to Kamal Bookstore, the medical book specialist at KL, bought some books for my first year because here are more more cheaper than czech. And i was totally exhausted carry that heavy books all the way in KL. Also buy some winter stuff at sogo like long john, sweater, jeans. and then heading to my brother's home at Shah Alam, carrying all my things into the crowded train, so challenging one. after break my fast with the lovely food, i spend the rest of the day with......... sleeping soundly..

Saturday : 20 August 2011
I went to KL again. but this time with my brother to buy my luggage and some few stuff. it's exhausted too but not like the yesterday's level.

Sunday : 21 August 2011
as early as 4.00 am from home, we went to KLIA for flight at 7.00 am. but not to Tawau, it's to Sandakan. and i have no idea how i can be in the same flight with Haziq. The days was spend at the airport, waiting for our next flight to Tawau. so boring. and around 6.00 pm. I arived home safely. buka puasa awal.. ye !!!!

Friday, 12 August 2011

love is....

ok. aku pun xtau apa dah jadi dgn aku nie. aku baru sahaja terjumpa satu blog tue yg all about love. nasihat cinta, tips cinta, kisah cinta.. semua ada!

cinta.. jika kau tanya kepadaku..
cinta itu macam satu kuasa
yg boleh turn out hidup kau pada satu masa saja
ianya membahagiakan, tp juga menyakitkan

pernah sekali, seorg gadis menangis di tepi kolam setelah baru sahaja ditinggalkan kekasihnya. dia menangis dan menangis dan akhirnya dia didatangi seorang lelaki tua. "kenapa kau menangis nak?" kata lelaki itu. " aku baru sahaja ditinggalkan oleh kekasihku. padahal aku sangat mencintainya, kenapa dia langsung tidak?" jawab gadis itu.
"haha. kau memang bodohlah nak"
"kenapa pakcik mentertawakan saya?? kalau tak nak pujuk saya takpalah, tapi janganlah mentertawakan saya yang tengah sedih nie!" marah gadis itu.
"kau memang bodoh. kenapa kau menangis?? kau x rugi apa-apa pun. kau hanya kehilangan seseorang yang tak mencintai kau, tp lelaki itu baru sahaja kehilangan seorg wanita yang sangat mencintainya". 
betullah cakap pakcik tue kan..

kadang-kadang kita kena meninggalkan org yang kita cintai. bukan x sayang, cuma... pepatah ada menyatakan "IF YOU LOVE SOMEBODY, LET HIM GO. IF HE COMES BACK TO YOU, THEN HE'S YOURS. IF NO, THEN HE IS NOT FOR YOU FROM THE BEGINNING.
I started to believe this word. ntahlah dah malas nak fikir. biarlah Tuhan yang atur semuanya dan aku, biar aku kejar matlamat hidup aku nie dan aku cukup bahagia di samping keluargaku nie.

eh kenapa dgn aku nie??? tiba-tiba je cakap pasal cinta.. DAH LAH..

Thursday, 11 August 2011

Dreams that i'm going to meet...

i was nervous for this week waiting for the result that is so nerve wrecking. MY A-LEVEL RESULT. fuh.. bagai tak terkata nervousnya..

ok honestly, sepanjang percutian nie, aku langsung x fikir pun pasal result aku. well biasalah, kan kat rumah, ditambah lg duduk dgn family aku.. so mmg cuti-cuti lah for this week aku dah start mula merasakan debarannya.. dan kemuncaknya adalah tghari td bila aku kol kolej aku.

she : hello. KTT..
me : hello, um saya nak cek result a level
she : tajaan?
me : JPA
she : bound?
me : czech republic
she : nama?
me : sunarti achok
she : nombor IC?
me : 9 2 0 1 1 8 (slowly and shaking voice)
she : apa?? sekali lagi
me : 9 2 0 1 1 8 .........(louder than before)
she : ok. biology A, chemistry B(but i heard she said D, so i began to lose hope), physics A. pointer 14.
me : ha????? thank u.. thank u so much


there it is.. suddenly tears fall unstoppably. I imagine before i will cry if i'm not pass. but i'll cry today because i pass.. thanx Allah.. alhamdulillah3x.. It's the confirmation to fly to czech republic-dreams that i'm going to meet..

Tuesday, 9 August 2011

aku nak yg beriman

lepas tgk syurga cinta, rasa sejuk hati.. xtau dah kali ke berapa aku tgk tue.. bila tgk cinta-cinta yg bertemakan islam nie, mesti rasa sejuk hati kan?? ayat-ayat cinta, ketika cinta bertasbih.. semua best..

ok. hati tgh tenang sekarang. klu sebelum nie, BAIK merupakan prasyarat utama utk lelaki di luar sana. tapi aku terlupa satu perkara. sesuatu yg sgt penting. Ya Allah, aku inginkan jodoh yg orgnya BERIMAN. yg mampu membimbingku, yg xakan menyentuhku selagi belum sah, yg akan sentiasa memelihara kehormatan. dan kalau boleh, aku nak jodoh yg aku terserempak buat pertama kalinya di tempat-tempat yang baik. bukan di facebook, bukan di shopping mall.. paling bagus bila aku bertemu dgnnya di masjid atau surau. tahu tak kenapa?? kebanyakan pasangan yg ingin bercerai apabila bertemu kaunselor, soalan pertama yg ditanya adalah " di mana pertemuan pertama?" klu hulunya baik, maka baiklah hilirnya.

sejujurnya aku taktau macam mana konsep mencintai seseorg lelaki bukan muhrim kerana Allah. selalu dengar, tapi macam mana nak aplikasi kan?? bukan senang kan nak menetapkan sesuatu hati. Belajar kerana Allah pun aku x yakin hati aku tetap 100%. kadang-kadang aku terlupa nak baca doa dulu dan ambil masa seketika utk tetapkan hati.. Apa-apapun yg kita buat, semua mesti kerana Allah.. betul tak??

ok. suddenly mood aku hilang pasal tajuk nie.. tiba2 plak ada uru ara menyatakan esok result out.. supposely lusa.. takut memang takut.. but i try my hard to not think about it.. if i'm not pass the cut off point, nauzubillah i have to forget everything about czech. if yes, alhamdulillah..

ok tetapkan hati. whatever result, Allah please give me strength. of course i'm gonna be sad, but let it just for a while. wherever i'd be send to, the most important is, i wanna be a doctor. i wanna help people. ok i need some time alone right now. dada..

Saturday, 6 August 2011

i'm back!!!

it's subuh now..
and i can't sleep
i don't know why

i was thinking about my condition last night
there it is
my stupidity comes again

dear readers, sorry for posting that
dear myself, sorry for not loving you
dear Allah, i'm truly sorry
sorry for hurting myself

whatever it is
life must go on right??
suddenly i have the courage
i can't wait to see what will happen next

family, friends, and myself
i'm going to make you all proud me
becoz now i have the strength

and only Allah can stop me.

i'm sick

pernah tak rasa macam nie...
sakit dada yg teramat2 sampaikan bila kita tepuk2, tumbuk2..
x rasa apa2..

ha.. i feels it now.. and my tears..
it's just drop like that..
i can't stop it, 
i can't help it.
what should i do?

ya Allah, i'm tired of all this..
i'm tired with this acting
i'm tired with the fake laugh
i'm tired treating like nothing happen

you.. you take me to the upper sky.. 
but then you release my hand..
i fall, and you know, it's really hurts..
you know it, but you just ignore me like nothing

Wednesday, 3 August 2011

i love you mama

mak saya tgh buang kepala ikan bilis

bapak saya suka makan ikan bilis masak asam

tapi sy suka makan apa-apa selain masak asam tue..

and you know what...

mak saya masak ikan bilis sos cili... rather than ikan bilis masak asam

ye!!!!! thanx mom for loving me more.. 

I love you so much!!!

Tuesday, 2 August 2011

habit x baik

hello people out there.....!!
korang semua ada habit nie tak???

bila bangun dr tidur..........

xda mood.........

xnak bercakap.....

dan bila ada org cari pasal or suruh2 something, memang akan mudah marah..

hah.. what should i do.. i wanna get rid of this habit.. tp semakin menjadi-jadi plak..

Monday, 1 August 2011

what so special with 1st august

ok today is 1st august.. suddenly it reminds me of something.

something that i wish to forget.

something that i wish to conceal.

it's like a stain that i want to erase.

i wish to if i can.

no. it's like the best moment that i want to erase.

most welcoming ramadhan

wah seronoknya rasa hati?????
tahu tak kenapa??
sebab RAMADHAN is coming..

and the best part is sahur, buka puasa dgn family..
takda dah order2 makanan dgn mamak, masak2 sendiri
rasa nak nangis bila terkenang zaman dulu2 ni ha..

1 august-1 ramadhan
cantik kan tarikh dia..